It was a cold beautiful dawn by the icy lake when I saw these little spruce trees on the icy surface of a forest lake.
At first I thought you can either see them like the “drowning trees” or the “emerging trees” depending on your nature and your mood of the moment, but then another image came to my mind and still hasn’t left me …
The one of little kids holding on, hanging there and trying to survive the consequences of the war.
This picture is dedicated to all innocent kids suffering because of the so called “adults” still thinking in 2022 that war is something somehow legitimate.
Thinking about the newborn babies still lying in a cot inside a hospital under the bombs I feel so ashamed as a human being … I am so sorry that we have to welcome you in such a sad world.
Thinking about the little ones who have just started living their life, talking, moving the first steps, making the first discoveries, I feel so sorry that we are tearing away your dreams replacing them with the most horrible images.
Thinking about the grown up in their teenage years, I hope you will be able to forget and forgive, I hope you won’t let anger overcome your precious life.
I know it’s asking a lot … while you are hanging there trying not to drown in the abyss of the war.
π€π€π€ Simona